We currently offer support during business hours, and we don’t get many after-hours calls. Why should we upgrade our support offering to 24x7x365 coverage?

3rdshiftdesk.com’s optimized service models are ideal for your low volume, after hours support shifts. Our $/minute solutions empower you to increase your customer support coverage by up to 70%, with a mere fraction of your current support budget.  This is an ideal solution that only requires you to pay for what you actually need. Frankly, it’s now feasible to re-think your 24/7 support strategy.

Today’s customers demand support when it is convenient for them as part of their expected “user experience.”  Anything less adds dissatisfaction to your high valuable, hard earned customer base. Never a good thing.

There are also many company facing benefits that allow you to re-establish (or leap ahead) a stronger competitive footing through product differentiation, improved customer loyalty and retention (higher net promoter scores), cost savings and peace of mind knowing that you have a qualified service partner online, when your primary support teams are offline.

What are the use cases for 3rdShiftdesk.com?

3rdShiftDesk.com was designed to exclusively provide 24x7x365 customer care services. Our solutions seamlessly integrate with your current customer service model and in-turn, allow your company to offer quality 24×7 customer support at a great value. Our most frequent use cases are:-

  • Answering Services with triage and prioritized escalations
  • Customer Order processing and inquiry response
  • Hotline / specialty access to live agents (vip lines, HR attendance, facility, reveal, etc)
  • On-call staff relief
  • Critical monitoring and escalations
  • Technical support

Have another potential use? Give us a call.

How is the pricing so reasonable?

3rdshiftdesk’s optimized service solutions feature the ideal mix of people resources (csr’s), revolutionary process, knowledge and workflow engineering, leading cloud systems, unified data sets and effective change management to deliver the ultimate balance of service quality and $/minute pricing.

Our service model designs allows us to warehouse an unprecedented amount of contextual information to empower our agents so that they process each ticket correctly while simultaneously delivering a great customer service experience. 

Our core differentiator (vs traditional solutions) lies with our unique ability to maintain a near zero cost ($) state of readiness for your low volume, customer service shifts.  Please contact 3rdshiftdesk.com to learn more. 

How does seamless integration work?

After 30+ years as a leading support provider, we are experts at building custom service models. We adapt our service platforms to integrate with your environment, first by assessing your current technology baseline and then, designing the most effective virtual service model using API’s, data connectors, automated ticket creation methods, and if necessary, the ability for our agents to login and enter tickets directly. Of course, all solutions factor your data and information security requirements.

Do you offer a service guarantee?

Yes. Our standard is that each ticket is done correctly each time and we have a policy in place to ensure this is delivered. If a ticket is ever done incorrectly, we will perform a contact audit and issue a refund as a percentage of total tickets received for the month. Please contact 3rdshiftdesk.com to learn more.

Do you offer a service trial?

Given the nature of what we do, service trials are difficult to perform without a proper onboarding process. If the concept of a trial is important to you, we can plan a path forward that allows you to experience our services with low risk business terms to get started. If this interests you, please contact 3rdshiftdesk.com to discuss further.

What if our service volumes increase substantially?

We offer volume $/minute discounts and account management services to re-cast pricing and service levels as necessary should your service volumes change on a sustained basis.  

Do you take “overflow” calls during standard business hours?

All 3rdshiftdesk.com services include 24x7x365 live agent access. A typical company may use our services for overflow during business hours and primary for nights, weekends and holidays. 

What are your contract and payment terms?

Our contract terms can be cancelled with 30-day notice. Payment is received through automated methods, such as credit card or ACH.

For any questions not addressed here, please contact us to discuss your specific after-hours support needs.

1-800-24-support (1800-276-2447)
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